Technical Reviews
You may have all the best intentions for how you want your mining engineering team to run. The design and scheduling systems and processes, how they interact with stakeholders such as the Production team, the communication systems that are in place, etc. But it is unlikely you have time to implement or monitor all the systems and practices across your mining engineering or technical services team.
Mark and Glenn have worked across a huge number of mine sites in their nearly 70 years of engineering. That is a lot of learning about what works and what doesn’t. What never ceases to amaze us is how often we see the same mistakes being committed over and over, the same today as they were 20 years ago!
We have carried out a number of audits or technical reviews across a range of mine sites and never failed to find a large number of poor practices that are holding the mine back. A more effective mining engineering team makes a huge difference in mine profitability and you will find that money invested in a review of your operation will provide a substantial return on investment.
Dedicated to excellence in mining consulting services.
+61 402 733 439
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